Warehousing & Logistics

More Hours for Vet Checks at Kloosterboer PRW in Rotterdam

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Following a recently reached agreement with the Dutch Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (NVWA), the Kloosterboer Delta Terminal cold storage logistics operation on the Maasvlakte in Rotterdam has announced that it will extend hours for veterinary inspections starting September 29. The new hours will be 7AM to 9 PM on Mondays through Thursdays, and 7 AM to 8 PM on Fridays.

Four speed-docks at the public refrigerated warehouse (PRW) are available to facilitate shorter waiting times and fast inspections, pointed out Leo Euser, general manager at the Kloosterboer Delta Terminal. As soon as inspections have been completed, customers have the option for their loads to be cross-docked or stored on the premises.


A member of the Ijmuiden, Holland-headquartered Kloosterboer Group, the Delta Terminal facility is part of a network of refrigerated warehouses offering clients approximately 3 million cubic meters of space at 15 strategic locations in Holland, France, Canada and Alaska. Combined storage capacity exceeds 500,000 tons. The family-owned company, in business for 85 years, employs more than 600 people.