Baked Goods & Desserts

Erlenbacher Serves Up Indulgence Plus, Delight Cream Slices and Cake-to-Go

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Erlenbacher Backwaren hosted a five-day cake and gateaux party during the recently held Anuga exhibition in Cologne, where countless visitors stopped by the German company’s stand to enjoy a slice or two of newly launched as well established classic offerings. The frozen baked goods specialist from Gross-Gerau seized the moment to promote new product shapes and cream slices, while also debuting a cake-to-go concept.

Indulgence Plus

Six new products complement the successful story of Erlenbacher’s Indulgence Plus range. The new style category features trendy creations such as Berry Skyr Slice (gluten-free), Apple Cranberry Slice and an Apricot Lime Slice (gluten-free). Modern classics, on the other hand, are available in the Indulgence Plus Everyday product group featuring vegan Lemon Slice, vegan Strawberry Slice and Dark Cherry Slice (gluten-free) offerings.

Delight Cream Slice

Erlenbacher has unveiled a completely new product line with the launch of Delight Cream Slice, bringing the “good old” cream slice into modern times by turning two adjusting screws simultaneously.

Update number one involves ingredients, as skyr, passion fruit and salty caramel meet popular traditional recipes. Cream pieces are available in the following varieties: Strawberry Vanilla Chocolate Slice, Mousse au Chocolat Slice, Passion Fruity Skyr Slice and Salted Caramel Slice.


Update number two is all about the cut. Instead of the classic rectangles, square-cuts are featured. Generation X consumers are directly targeted with this format, as Erlenbacher believes that today’s 40- to 54-year-olds “prefer pieces that are not so powerful.”


Food consumption habits are changing, which affects not only what one eats, but also how and when consumption occurs. Busy lifestyles more than occasionally necessitate fast and in-between meal and snacking moments. As such, on-the-go options are in much greater demand and with it the impulse business is booming.

With Erlenbacher’s innovative Cake-to-Go concept, attractive merchandising options are available. Now the company’s four best-selling cakes are offered as practical, ready-to-eat treats. The individually and attractively packaged assortment includes Raspberry Brownie (gluten-free), Caramel Cheesecake, Marble Cake and a Triple Chocolate variety. With post-defrost shelf life of up to five days at room temperature, the range is ideal for operators of gas stations, convenience stores and coffee shops, as well as for fast-turn retail kiosks at airports, train and bus stations.