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Frostkrone Dials Up Crisp Factor in Frozen Cheesy Mozzarella Sticks

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The Frostkrone Food Group has brought out a new version of its Mozzarella Sticks featuring an improved recipe, even crunchier coating and different look. The cheesy product comes out of the oven with an even higher crisp factor than before. It pairs nicely with red pepper dip when served as a snack, appetizer or side dish.

Headquartered in Rietberg, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, the company was founded in 1997 and specializes in the production and marketing of frozen finger food and snack products. In addition to Mozzarella Sticks, its wide range of offerings includes Chili Cheese Nuggets, Camembert Bites (served with a sweetish cranberry dip), Lava Bites (creamy cheddar cheese and red jalapeños encapsulated in crispy batter), Pizza Pockets, Chicken Pops, Mini Corolles, Bouchées en Feuille de Brick, Mini Croustillants and bite-size Fruit Appetizers.

Members of the Group are Frostkrone Tiefkühlkost GmbH, Bornholter Käsevertriebs- undvProduktionsgesellschaft GmbH, Piz’wich Europe SAS, Varenne Gastronomie SAS, Rite Stuff Foods Inc. and Innovate Foods Ltd. Production facilities are located in Germany, France, the United Kingdom and the United States.