Fish & Seafood

USDA Announces Significant Purchase of Wild Alaska Pollock

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The Juneau-based Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute (ASMI) reported on January 7 that the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) has announced plans to procure up to $50 million worth of Alaska pollock. The purchases are intended to provide needy Americans with high-quality, healthy and sustainable seafood protein, while also supporting US fishermen, companies and communities currently struggling with low pollock prices due to reductions in demand and increased competition – mostly from Russia.

“We all appreciate the quick response by USDA to address the needs of the seafood industry and at the same time, food insecure Americans, by committing to purchase what may be more than 15 million pounds of wild Alaska pollock products,” said Bruce Schactler, ASMI’s global good aid director. “These nutritious seafood products, which may include fillet portions, fish sticks and nuggets, will strengthen the nutrition profile of USDA offerings as recommended in the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, while at the same time helping to address the extreme market challenges that are so present and causing so much disruption across the entire Alaska seafood industry.”

The procurement will be made through Section 32 under the Secretary of Agriculture’s authority, a program that has benefitted US fisheries in responding to supply chain disruptions and other market difficulties. Purchases will supply food banks and other food-aid distribution outlets around America.